[2025.02.19] One paper on multi-label few-shot learning is accepted to PR. Congratulations to Zhihong.
[2024.12.10] Two papers on model adaptation learning (few-shot learning and incremental learning) are accepted to AAAI. Congratulations to Wenqian and Yongchun.
[2024.12.08] One paper on brain-conditional multimodal synthesis is accepted to IEEE TAI. Congratulations to Weijian.
[2024.11.05] One paper on noisy few-shot learning is accepted to IEEE SPL. Congratulations to Yixin.
[2024.10.24] Our MM'24 paper is selected as the Best Paper Nomination (26/4385), huge congratulations to Shipeng.
[2024.09.22] One paper on brain disorder detection is accepted to AIM. Congratulations to Yanfang.
[2024.09.04] One paper on scene text image retrieval is accepted to TOMM. Congratualtions to Shipeng.
[2024.07.17] Two papers on scene text image restoration are accepted to ACM MM. Congratulations to Shipeng and Zuoyan.
[2024.07.06] One paper on sterographic projection of hyperbolic embedding is accepted to ICPR. Congratulations to Shangyu.
[2024.05.02] One paper on spectral kernel is accepted to ICML. Congratulations to Jinyue and Yanfang.
[2024.04.02] One paper on multi-label few shot learning is accepted to TNNLS. Congratulations to Yuexuan.
[2024.03.25] One paper on generalizable ReID is accepted to TCSVT. Congratulations to Kaixiang.
[2023.12.09] One paper on text image inpainting is accepted to AAAI. Congratulations to Shipeng.
[2023.10.07] One paper on rain and haze removal is accepted to TOMM. Congratulations to Yuan and Yaojun.
[2023.09.22] One paper on spectral kernel is accepted to NeurIPS. Congratulations to Yanfang, Jinyue and Shipeng.
[2023.09.10] One paper on optimal transport for video matching is accepted to CVIU. Thanks to all co-authors.
[2023.08.18] One paper on visual anomaly recognition using curved geometry is accpeted to TNNLS. Congratulations to Jie. Now Jie has a new name: Hyper-Jie :-)
[2023.07.14] One paper on visual-audio zero-shot learning is accepted to ICCV. Congratulations to Jie.
[2023.06.06] One paper on Poincaré kernels is accepted to IJCV. Thanks to all co-authors.
[2023.05.02] One paper on Uni-Encoder for Dialogue systems is accepted to Findings of ACL 2023. Congratulations to Chiyu and Hongliang.
[2023.04.21] We have uploaded our survey paper for the hyperbolic geometry in computer vision to arxiv, here is the
[2023.04.20] One paper on hyperbolic kernels is accepted to IJCAI. Congratulations to Meimei.
[2023.03.20] My homepage launched.